Prisma 3D Community

Prisma3D is an application to create and animate 3D models. Helping you design, render and share all your creations right from your phone.

Community Rules

In our community we want to give you a safe and reliable space to exchange about Prisma3D. For that we ask all members of this community to be respectful at all times.

You must read and agree to abide by the following community rules to avoid being kicked or banned:

1⃣ Be respectful to all members
Any racist, sexist, homophobic or any other form of discrimination content is not tolerated. Hate speech, harassment, or abuse against any member of the community is not tolerated.

2⃣ Only safe media is allowed for all ages
Obscene, pornographic, violent, sexually explicit, or substance use content is not tolerated.
Any illegal activity is prohibited

(This applies to images, comments, profile avatars and any visual content)

3⃣ Only Prisma3D related content is allowed
Advertising content not related to Prisma3D is prohibited, as well as advertising any website or social media account without the permission of the administrators.

4⃣ Use the right channels
Use the right channels for each topic within the community

5⃣ Allowed languages
You can use your primary language to interact within the community, but we encourage all members to use the English language.

Have fun and share in our community


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Explore uma Comunidade Vibrante: Encontre Links para Grupos, Canais e Bots no Telegram!

Junte-se a uma jornada emocionante através da vasta rede de comunidades no Telegram! Descubra uma variedade de grupos, canais e bots que abrangem uma infinidade de interesses, desde hobbies e entretenimento até negócios e tecnologia. Navegue por uma coleção diversificada de links cuidadosamente selecionados, conectando-se com pessoas de todo o mundo que compartilham seus interesses e paixões. Encontre grupos de discussão animados, canais informativos repletos de conteúdo relevante e bots úteis que simplificam tarefas e oferecem entretenimento. Explore, interaja e amplie sua experiência no Telegram enquanto se conecta com uma comunidade global dinâmica e envolvente!